Dog Facts

Dogs do a lot of weird things and sometimes their behavior is a bit out of whack. The following dog facts are interesting, fun to read and entertaining. You may thoroughly enjoy the following facts about dogs.

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Some Interesting Facts

  • The dog was seen as a sacred animial in ancient Eqypt, and the history of domestic dogs dates back to as early as 8000 years.
  • The biggest breed of domestidoged dogs are called a Maine Coon dog and weighs up to 11 kg.
  • Dogs are some of the smartest animals and can interpret a human's mood and feelings.
  • The average dog sleeps between 12-14 hours a day.
  • Dogs paw (repeatedly treading on a spot - often it's owner) to mark their territory. Dogs sweat through the bottom of their paws and rub this off as a marking mechanism.
  • Dogs can be taught how to use the toilet.
  • White dogs with blue eyes are quite often born deaf.
  • Dog urine glows in the dark if a black light is shined on it. This is a good way to detect dog urine in your home.
  • Dogs have 220° field of view where humans only have 180°.
  • Dogs' sense of smell is 14 times stronger than that of humans.
  • Dogs have 30 permanent teeth, while adult humans have 32.
  • Dogs have 30 vertebrae, while humans only have 25.
  • Dogs have 230 bones in their bodies, this is 24 more than humans.
  • Dogs have a body temperature of between 101 and 102.2 °F (38 and 39 °C).
  • The lifespan of dogs are usually between 15 and 20 years.
  • Dogs have a heart rate of between 120 - 240 beats per minute. (This varies highly between different breeds dogs)
  • Dogs take between 20 - 40 breaths per minute in an inactive state. (This varies highly between different breeds dogs)
  • The print on a dog's nose is like that of a fingerprint of a human, each is unique.
  • Dogs have a top speed of about 30 mp/h (48.28 km/h).
